So, I never really thought I was a big architecture girl. A house was a house, whatever. I was more into the interior design I suppose.Anyway, apparently I'm really A.D.D with basically anything and everything, and once again, my tastes have changed, and I'm now 'fully sick' into architecture and shit. u+b are rating pretty high right now, as is American architecture. I do love alot of Australian architecture, but it's very different. Australia is still very new - even our old houses...they were built with a purpose to roof a head. Workers cottages etc. If not, they're usually a replicated and altered version of some other style of international architecture. And I still think there's alot of beautiful houses out there but ultimately...I think American architecture has stolen my heart for now.Anyway, enough of that, you can make your own mind up. Check out
u + b architecture & design, now. Or soon. Whenever.

One day, I may actually stop being lazy, and properly link images, and maybe even Photoshop them to correct size. One day. Don't hold your breathe.
x Brodie